How these 3 seizure triggers can guide your New Year’s resolutions

One of the things I do yearly is to look at my seizure triggers and try and create a plan of action in order to avoid seizures in my life, so I thought I would go through the items that I deal with and how to avoid issues throughout the year so that you may find some sort of system that works for you.… Read More

Epilepsy Blog Relay: Kat and living with seizures

This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™, which will run from June 1 to June 30, 2018.  Follow along! Kat’s Story Kathryn writes the blog, Kat’s Temporal Lobe Diaries. Kat writes, “Unfortunately I have seizures. It’s simply a part of my life, as much as every other thing.” She goes … Read More