Rafaela’s Story
Hi! I’m Rafaela, 31 years old, from Brazil, and living in Marina del Rey, CA. I decided to show people that are affected directly or indirectly by epilepsy, friends and family, that is possible to have an amazing life after an epilepsy diagnosis. It’s important to educate and end the stigma around the condition. So I want to get people together because it’s time to build awareness.
Epilepsy diagnosis
People need to know they’re not alone. I’m in my thirties, and it took me 20 yrs to accept and talk about epilepsy. I’m blessed, my husband, family and friends are very supportive. I just had a baby, and his birth date is March 26, which is Purple Day! What are the odds? Well, I feel that this is more than a huge coincidence, I consider it a blessing.
I have shared the story of my baby, and despite the risk of congenital malformations, due to epileptic medication, I had my baby and went through pregnancy without seizures. Meaning I have epilepsy, and this didn’t stop me from trying to having a child.
Epilepsy doesn’t define me, and it shouldn’t define anyone.
Thanks Rafaela!