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Epilepsy Blog Relay™: Connect on the March LivingWellChat

LWC Join us for a fun LIVE event as a way to celebrate the end of another great Epilepsy Blog Relay. Connect with your favorite epilepsy bloggers on tonight’s #LivingWellChat on Thursday, March 31 at 7PM ET on Twitter.

We’ll be using the hashtag #LivingWellChat to filter out all the other social noise on the platform. You can expect the chat to last 1 hour. Don’t miss this chance to connect with the bloggers from this month’s Epilepsy Blog Relay.

Participating in #LivingWellChat

1. Go to http://twubs.com/livingwellchat OR http://tweetchat.com/room/livingwellchat
2. Log in using your twitter account **IMPORTANT**
3. Set the chat speed as fast or slow as you prefer
4. The Twitter feed will pop up with all the #LivingWellChat tweets. You officially become part of the chat — all you have to do is write your thoughts in the box at the top of the feed. Don’t worry about adding #LivingWellChat at the end, both Tweetchat and Twubs add the hashtag in for you automatically.
5. Be sure to introduce yourself when you come on the chat

How does the chat work?

The format of #livingwellchat is very simple: We start with a general topic, and the conversation flows from there. Lots of Twitter chats have a formal structure, only allowing a few minutes per question, but #livingwellchat is a bit more open. We encourage spontaneous discussion with tons of Q&A.

Can anyone join in the conversation?

Yep, please join in the chat. If you have been living with epilepsy for decades, if you are newly diagnosed, or if you are caring for a loved one who is living with epilepsy you will find something of interest on the next #LivingWellChat.

What if I don’t have a Twitter account?

If you don’t have your own Twitter account, you can always follow #livingwellchat in the footer of https://livingwellwithepilepsy.com. However, if you participate in this way, you can’t contribute to the conversation.

I hope to see you there!

Follow Jessica K. Smith:


Founder and CEO Jessica brings a unique perspective to this leading epilepsy blog as she was diagnosed with epilepsy as a teen. She also brings 20+ years experience in marketing.

  1. Debikay

    Hi I’m Debi Harmon Ference I’ve had Epilepsy since I was 18 months old.I had whopping cough.And went into a seizure and then a coma .I was in it for several days.Today I’ve been seizure free over 19 years! I had brain Surgery over 20 years ago! I’ve wrote a book Amazing Debi my secret before and after brain surgery for epilepsy .Ir has went global !! I console people worldwide .Irs in several Library’s ! I’m having a Open Book at the main Library in Downtown Toledo Ohio ! May 12 at 6:00 if you live close would love to meet you ! Epilepsy will be talked about !