If you are on Twitter, don’t miss this opportunity to vote for Living Well With Epilepsy in the Shorty Awards. Voting opened on January 7 and runs until February 10.
This is the 5th Annual Shorty Awards and it is time for Epilepsy to get a seat at the table. I have created a category for #epilepsy. This will help raise awareness and provide a way to connect on social media. So, take a minute, send a tweet and make a difference.
Here’s what you need:
A twitter account
Here’s what to do:
Send a tweet (any of the following will do)
Sample tweets:
I nominate @jessicaksmith for a Shorty Award in #epilepsy because awareness will get us closer to a cure.I nominate @jessicaksmith for a Shorty Award in #epilepsy because more than 65 million people are living with epilepsy right now.
I nominate @jessicaksmith for a Shorty Award in #epilepsy because she is speaking out for a cure.
I nominate @jessicaksmith for a Shorty Award in #epilepsy because https://livingwellwithepilepsy.com rocks.
Here’s the rules:
- Be sure the tweet begins with: “I nominate @jessicaksmith for a Shorty Award in #epilepsy because [you must add a reason here].
- Retweets (RTs) are eligible (if you include all the other required bits)
If you have questions or comments add them here.
Rita Wallis
Thank you for all information posted and giving people a chance to share ;oD excellent work!