You may be aware that we are gearing up for our next Epilepsy Blog Relay™, which will run throughout November 2015 to mark Epilepsy Awareness Month. I am pleased to announce that our blogger participant schedule is full for the November ’15 relay.
November Relay Badge
If you are a November Blogger, a November Reader or just want to lend a hand, you can always add the November Relay badge to your website, Facebook site, Instagram feed or Pinterest board. The badge can be found in the sidebar on with the embed code below it.
Blog Schedule for March 2016 Relay
Since our schedule filled up ahead of our original deadline (October 15), I have published the form for the March 2016 relay. That will allow any bloggers to sign up for March 2016 while it is still top of mind. A link to the form can be found by clicking the button below or by visiting the Epilepsy Blog Relay page
How it works
If you are new to the EPILEPSY BLOG RELAY, here’s how it works: each blogger posts on their own site on one day during the month. Bloggers acknowledge the blog relay in their post and to promote the next day’s post. To participate as a blogger in the March click on the button below to complete the form before February 1, 2016.
Register for March 2016 Relay Now
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