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Epilepsy Storylines App is now available for iPhone and iPad

epilepsystorylinesEpilepsy Storylines App puts control back your hands

 Living Well With Epilepsy has now launched Epilepsy Storylines on the App Store℠ for iPhone® and iPad®. Epilepsy Storylines is, an app that lets users track seizures, medication side-effects, moods, appointments and much more on their smartphone. They can then share any information within their circle of care without ever leaving the app.

Epilepsy Storylines

The Epilepsy Storylines app was initially launched on March 26, Purple Day 2015 for web and on Google PlayTM. Each year, this day is dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide. Epilepsy Storylines is a joint effort between Living Well With Epilepsy, a boutique media brand dedicated to the needs of people living with epilepsy, and Self Care Catalysts, a patient intelligence health solution provider.

Now available for your iPhone and iPad

Epilepsy Storylines is free, and is now available for download for iPhone®  and iPad®  on the App StoreSM. It is also available on the Web and on Google PlayTM.

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Jessica Keenan Smith, Founder
Jessica Keenan Smith Founder

How can an app help?

“As a woman living with epilepsy I understand, intimately, how frustrating it can be to manage all the disparate elements of your own health care. This is even more compounded when seizures are not under control or side effects are unmanageable,” says Living Well With Epilepsy founder and managing editor, Jessica Keenan Smith. “Epilepsy Storylines now provides our community with an all-in-one solution that was built with feedback from people living with epilepsy from the earliest stages. I believe this app can make a real positive impact.”

What users are saying

Whitney of Changing Focus Epilepsy, has had epilepsy for 29 years and was an early user of the application. “I love that Epilepsy Storylines is so user friendly. It gives me one central place where I can keep track of my medications, my doctor appointments and it even lets me stamp how I’m feeling that day. It will give those living with epilepsy and caregivers a place to go to build their own circle of support to share their personal journey of everyday life,” she says.

Supporting clinical neurology

Epilepsy Storylines is an app that clinical neurologists and primary care physicians can feel comfortable recommending to patients. This app not only supports and empowers the patient in their daily life, it is meaningful to physicians as well. Epilepsy Storyline has can help people living with epilepsy better understand their treatment and what’s going on with their bodies.

About Self Care Catalysts

Self Care Catalysts is a health solutions company powered by patient intelligence and analytics. We find the consumer within the patient. Our mission is to build innovative, patient-centered, and technology-driven self-care solutions for patients and meaningful analytics and insights for healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical companies. For more information visit us on the web at www.selfcarecatalysts.com

Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

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Founder and CEO Jessica brings a unique perspective to this leading epilepsy blog as she was diagnosed with epilepsy as a teen. She also brings 20+ years experience in marketing.

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