I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 8 and have coped with it ever since. Initially, my epilepsy was a burden, however I am in the process of accepting what I have. I am also trying to help others do the same.
At present, I take a drug called Keppra. The drug is currently keeping my seizures stable. I have been fortunate to be seizure-free for 4 years. But I do experience shaking episodes frequently that tire me a lot of the time.
Either way, I know life must go on and am in a position to tell my story from my perspective. For further info you can go onto my blog.
You can read more in Sarah’s own words at: http://sazzle262.wordpress.com
Carol sickerman
I was diagnosed with Epilepsy at two and a haff and have tried to live a full life. There have been times my epilepsy has gotten in the way. We have all been riddled at one time or another, with the side effects of our AED’S.
The younger somebody is, the more accepting society is. I am fifty six and have seen many changes in the acceptance of people with disabilities–those that are visible and worse– those that are NOT.
We look just like everyone else, but when we don’t feel well, no one understands. Sometimes our own families don’t understand. It happened to me that through this lack of understanding, came a wave of non-caring. My parents were great. My remaining family will have nothing to do with me because they do not understand what we go throughl
Please make sure your family and friends understand! Also remember, if they act like immature school children, maybe your better off without them!
When I was younger, I had people ask me if I was drunk or homeless!