Stephen submitted his personal epilepsy story to Living Well With Epilepsy to share his epilepsy experience.
I had seizures since I was 2 years old but was not diagnosed until I was 8 years old. I had Petite Mal and in school and was disciplined for day dreaming.
I had one of the best teachers in Fourth Grade. She suspected that I was having seizures and alerted my parents. I went to a neurologist and he examined me and diagnosed me as having seizures.
When I was around 17 my seizures developed into Grand Mal seizures. This caused many falls and injuries.
Enjoying seizure-free days
I have been seizure free for 14 months and feel that my epilepsy is not behind me but I should enjoy being seizure-free. My neurologist has even given me the approval to drive.
I love running and completed close to 50 marathons, 10 New York City Marathons in a row. I am working toward a degree in the Culinary and Restaurant Management area . I have been on the Presidents list 2 semesters in a row. I am working towards receiving my degree in Restaurant and Hotel management. I am a Chef who loves to bake and cook. I love art and I am participating in the Art Therapy Program through the Epilepsy Foundation.
Share your epilepsy experience
Kieran Ryan
My son is an epilepsy sufferer he wants to study culinary arts but we are afraid of kitchen dangers, sharp knives, pots of boiling water et al. What is your opinion?
Regards: Kieran