Author, Danielle M. Rocheford was diagnosed with epilepsy at age two. Her epilepsy was classified as complex partial seizures, preceded by epileptic auras. Her auras manifested through a tingling feeling. Young Danielle used the phrase “I feel funny” as a way to inform her parents or others that she was about to have a seizure.
Danielle has since written, “Mommy I Feel Funny,” a picture book based on her own life experiences. The story follows Nel a few days after her first seizure and captures Nel’s thoughts, fears and emotions. These thoughts and feelings are common in the discovery, understanding, and acceptance of epilepsy.
“Mommy, I Feel Funny” was officially released in 2009, and since has received overwhelmingly positive reviews. You can read some of these reviews on Danielle’s newly launched website
This year, “Mommy, I Feel Funny” was translated into Spanish so the story would be accessible to a broader audience. “Offering the book in Spanish opens the doors wider to others who suffer from epilepsy, but are not necessarily in English speaking communities” explains Danielle. “My story provides a positive reinforcement for children who live with the challenges of epilepsy. Epilepsy is still a topic not spoken about enough and much more attention is needed in order to heighten the awareness.”
For information on ordering your copy, please visit
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