Exponential Growth
Just in case you’re no math whiz (I know I’m not), that’s a 1150% increase in average daily visits! Thanks everyone, we really are making an impact.
A recent look at Living Well’s google analytics showed that https://www.livingwellwithepilepsy.com/, an epilepsy blog, has welcomed over 3000 unique visitors! We have an average of 25 people swing by each day. That’s a dramatic improvement from this time last year when we had an average of 2 people visiting the site each day. And at least one of those people was me.
Where in the world
To give a sense of scope, those more than 3000 people made 4,240 visits and they came from 96 countries/territories including:
United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Philippines, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, and Croatia among others.
So thanks again, and keep those suggestions coming. They can only make our community more connected.
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