Living Well With Epilepsy is dedicating the month of June to Epilepsy Stigma Awareness. Your overwhelming responses on Facebook and Twitter have prompted us to dedicate a full month to raising awareness on epilepsy related stigma.
Epilepsy Stigma Awareness
Many of you responded that you feel isolated and angry. Yet there are 65 MILLION people living with epilepsy and 200 THOUSAND new cases each year in the US alone. There is no reason we should have to be isolated. And maybe it’s time we use the strength of that anger toward support for one another.
June is also a good halfway point in the year to address an issue that affects all of us. Purple Day was months ago, and November feels like a long way off. It’s time for us to shake things up.
What you can expect
- Each week throughout June, we will post an article on epilepsy related stigma.
- Personal stories on dealing epilepsy stigma will be featured
- Tips on how to deal with stigma
Our Hope:
We hope to raise $500 during the month of June.
This money will help Living Well With Epilepsy continue its mission. We are dedicated to supporting people with epilepsy, increasing epilepsy awareness and benefiting organizations that further epilepsy research. You have clearly stated that stigma is a widespread problem. So, we would like to spend more time focused on fighting stigma but we can only do that with your help.
How you participate
You don’t have to give $500 ($1 is enough) to participate. It’s easy, and if it’s not let us know at info@livingwellwithepilepsy.com. And hopefully, we can have some fun and share some stories. And maybe other groups will make June Epilepsy Stigma Awareness month too!
1. You can donate toward the campaign (could be as little as $1). Each post will give you the opportunity to donate right there.
2. Share your story about epilepsy stigma – and don’t forget to include a photo.
What you get
1. Everyone who gives (could be as little as $1) will get an excerpt of our forthcoming e-book.
2. All donors (unless they don’t want to) will be recognized in the donor honor roll on the sidebar.
3. The satisfaction of knowing you made a difference in the name of the millions of people with epilepsy who are fighting for their lives.
Oh, and spread the word. Share posts on facebook, tweet and talk up Epilepsy Stigma Awareness Month.

Terrific Tonya Heathco
National Seizure Disorders Foundation is joining in the movement of stigma awareness month! Read the entire article here: http://nationalseizuredisordersfoundation.org/stigma-awareness-month/
Notice – Living Well with Epilepsy is mentioned in the article along with a link here.
It’s the honor of NSDF to promote the good works of others promoting any positive energy in the seizure disorder community globally.
Peace –
Tonya Heathco,CEO
National Seizure Disorders Foundation