I know I should be pleased that breast cancer awareness is so widespread. I know I should smile and be proud that this disease gets the attention it deserves.
But I sit here knowing that the prevalence and mortality rates for epilepsy are the same as those of breast cancer. Yes, that’s right I said prevalence AND mortality. We all know you can die from cancer but folks are just starting to figure out that seizures are causing as many deaths as say… breast cancer.
So when I see the pink ribbon on the NFL fields, on merchandising and throughout the community, I think to myself, how do we make room for epilepsy awareness?
It is time for one clear voiceThe only way research dollars will increase to make an impact (read: rise to the level of breast cancer dollars) is when epilepsy organizations and neurology professionals and pharma all come together under one simple brand.
With breast cancer the message is simple. You see a pink ribbon and you think breast cancer. But there is no cohesive image/brand/messaging from organizations that care about those of us with epilepsy.
So let’s get our act together. We need one cohesive message. It has to be consistent across all organizations. If a purple ribbon works then it is time to get out there in purple.
November is coming. Speak now.
I agree. I am going to host Epilepsy Awareness month on my blog …. purple ribbons for all! Thank you forsharing
Jessica Keenan Smith
Thanks Jamie! I can't wait to check out your blog.
Living Well With Epilepsy
I feel the same way about it. I feel bad for getting frustrated because I feel like there is much less awareness overall for epilepsy than breast cancer. I know I shouldn't be mad, and I know I would feel differently about the issue if I weren't epileptic. I'm trying to start a group at my university for epilepsy awareness and such, similar to To Write Love On Her Arms if you know what that is.
Thanks for sharing.
Jessica Keenan Smith
I've never heard of To Write Love On Her Arms. I'm going to check it out. Keep Living Well in the loop on your progress as your group gets up and running.
Living Well With Epilepsy