Please know that the information posted on this blog is for information purposes only and is not medical advice. It is important that you speak to your doctor before making any changes to your nutrition or medications.
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Product Reviews
The team at Living Well With Epilepsy is sometimes compensated, either through free product samples or for the time to craft the post, to provide opinions on products, services, websites and other topics that are of interest to the epilepsy community. Please note, we only provide honest opinions, findings and experiences on those products. Our team will only truly endorse products or services that we believe in, based on our experience, to be worthy of said commentary. However, Living Well With Epilepsy and the team of writers who contribute to this site, cannot not be held liable for any product or service purchased or received by a reader as a result of an advertisement or product review.
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Living Well With Epilepsy may update or modify this privacy and security policy from time to time. This policy is not intended to be a contractual obligation of any kind and any such obligation is hereby disclaimed in its entirety. These statements merely constitute the present policy of Living Well With Epilepsy.