More Emily’s Perspective
You may have read Emily’s great column, Emily’s Perspective, on her life with epilepsy. Emily has been bringing you amazing articles each month for a while now. Each time we post one of her pieces you respond so positively that we have asked her to kick it up a notch. Now she will bring Emily’s Perspective to you two times a month instead of once a month. You can share even more of her experience with epilepsy.
Thanks Emily, we are really looking forward to your articles. Watch for a second Emily’s Perspective article to begin this month.
Please feel free to comment on Emily’s posts. She is great about responding to your feedback.
Become a featured writer
Are you interested in becoming a featured writer for Living Well With Epilepsy like Megan and Emily? Has your life been affected by epilepsy in some way? When you write for Living Well With Epilepsy you can share your story with readers around the world.
What we’re looking for
The best way to know what interests us (and our readers) is to take a look at the Top Posts and Pages in the sidebar. Most of these articles have some personal story element to them. However you will find, these stories are not completely self-serving. In other words, the reader benefits in some way from reading the story. We ask our writers to provide well-crafted articles between 500-600 words.
What to send us
If you are interested, don’t send the whole story right away. Just send a few topics you might want to write about. Also send a sentence or two on why you are the best person to write on the subject. And include a few links to articles you have written whether on your blog or in another publication. Send your ideas to us via e-mail to info@livingwellwithepilepsy.com.
You might be surprised by how your experience with epilepsy can inspire others.
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