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Epilepsy Blog Relay: David on IEPs, 504 plans and the need for epilepsy awareness in education

This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™, which will run from June 1 to June 30, 2018.  Follow along!

Epilepsy Dad

Epilepsy Dad provides me with an outlet for the thoughts and emotions that I imagine are common for parents of epileptic kids or parents of children with any disability. I wanted to share my experiences because I’m hoping my words will help other people going through the same thing so they know that they are not alone.

An excerpt from David’s Post:

We were reviewing my son’s IEP that had just been approved. After two years of providing our own DIY education for our son under a makeshift 504 plan, we hired a lawyer to finally get my son a formalized education plan and the protection that it affords him. It was clear as we reviewed the supporting documentation that we needed that protection because the system is not set up for children like him. It was even more clear as we reviewed his test results that they didn’t really know my son.

“When the special education teacher said that she had other kids with epilepsy, I cringed. “I had another kid with epilepsy” is like saying I’ve seen one shade of blue. The spectrum of what epilepsy is to a person is as broad as the hues and tones that make up every color imaginable.”

Every time a new person comes into our lives, it is an opportunity to help them understand my son. It’s an opportunity to help them understand epilepsy from the perspective of a child and a family living it every day. READ MORE

NEXT UP: Be sure to check out the next post by Clair at https://epilepsybumps.com/.

TWITTER CHAT: Save the date for the  #LivingWellChat on June 30 at 7PM ET.

epilepsy blog relayLiving Well With Epilepsy’s Epilepsy Blog Relay™ is an epilepsy awareness movement to designed to maximize collaboration and eliminate stigma. Thank you to our generous sponsors and partners!

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