Good Days, Bad Days magazine is up and running

Good Days, Bad Days, a magazine for children with chronic illness, has launched it’s inaugural issue. The magazine was established to help children with chronic illness cope with their condition. The founder, Amy Friedenberg, hopes that Good Days, Bad Days will become a publication that children with chronic illness can be proud … Read More

Wear Purple on March 26 for Epilepsy Awareness

Purple Day was founded in 2008, by nine-year-old Cassidy Megan of Nova Scotia, Canada, with the help of the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia. March 26 is now an international grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide. So next Friday, March 26, wear something purple and spread the word about … Read More

Aid sent to people with epilepsy in Haiti

The international community of epilepsy specialists is providing financial support and specialized medical equipment to help re-establish services to epilepsy patients in Haiti. In addition to providing long-term support needed to maintain normal clinical services, the project organizers’ initial goal is to assist in preventing neurological damage and potential risk of death … Read More

November is Epilepsy Awareness Month

November is Epilepsy Awareness Month. But, sometimes it seems the month can come and go without mention of a single event to raise awareness. Now, that’s not to say that events don’t happen. Epilepsy Foundation offices around the country are organizing events, conferences and walks to celebrate Epilepsy Awareness. And, they are … Read More

Epilepsy and H1N1

Image of the H1N1 influenza virus taken in the CDC Influenza Laboratory. To give you a sense of how widespread this thing is, The American College Health Association recently reported that there were 7,001 total suspected cases of H1N1 on college campuses as of September 4. That was when the kids had … Read More

Epilepsy’s dirty little secret

Epilepsy is not that serious, right? I mean, its not like you can die from it or anything. Right? According to the American Epilepsy Society, “it is very uncommon but not unheard of for people to die with a seizure.” ‘Rare’ and ‘very uncommon’ are what patients hear from medical professionals when … Read More

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